It has been a busy day @ Hazel's house today. I got so much accomplished and I am quite pleased with myself. It started with breakfast and coffee, biscuits w/sausage gravy, bacon and eggs. Our weather here today was great, it was sunny and in the mid 70's. (Not trying to rub it in for all of you who are having cold weather)
After breakfast JP and I went out to the backyard and picked an entire laundry basket full of pink grapefruits off of our tree. They are so sweet and juicy.
My honey got on the ladder and picked the high ones, he does'nt trust I won't fall off of the ladder :( ground beef
with minced garlic
1/2 green pepper finely chopped
handful of green onions chopped
brown and drain
added 1 can of Rotel tomatoes
1 Jar of spaghetti sauce (store bought)
and I had a jar of spaghetti sauce my lil sis's mom canned from their garden fresh tomatoes
let it simmer for a couple of hours on low low temp
then added 1 big box of penne pasta and
hubby added 2 cups of ricotta.
It was delicious!! Had some fresh steamed broccoli and I had some cocktail pumpernickel that is not getting eaten as fast as I would like so I buttered it, added some garlic and sprinkle parmesan and toasted it in the oven for about 3 mins.
And some yummy chewy brownies for dessert!!
Shewww, after all of that I am tired. I think I will sit down and read my book for the rest of the day. (guilt free) LOL. Hope you all had a great Sunday!!